31 January 2010

Politeness Wins The Confidence Of Princes (And Me)

Extra, extra, this just in! There are polite people on the nets!

I am having a discussion in the comments section of my last post, and some people are radically disagreeing with my position, yet everyone is maintaining decorum. There’s been no name-calling, no swearing, no unreasoning flaming... I confess myself amazed! I think a little bit of my faith in humanity has been restored; I’ve never seen a conversation such as the one we are having actually be a conversation before. Usually it’s just people that refuse to listen to each other talking at the air. But we have clearly reasoned arguments on both sides!

I do so love talking with intelligent, polite people.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Haha, you really have bad experiences with discussions, don't you? *petpetpet* Good to see you getting some new ones. :)