28 February 2007


I’m a substitute teacher (and student and wannabe writer). About a year ago, I subbed for Mr P, the ceramics teacher at a school in my district. I had lots and lots of spare time on my hands, so during one period, I made a little statuette. It was of a generic ancient Egyptian woman, standing about eight or nine inches tall. I made it from clay and I tried to mimic the look of ancient Egyptian statues. Not sure how well I succeeded, but you can judge for yourself.

The statue: Left Side, Right Side, Front, and Closeup.

I left the statue as wet clay on the top of the odds-and-ends box (that’s what I made it from) so that Mr P could reuse the clay in his class.

Today, I subbed for Mr P again, and the very first thing after “Hi” that he said to me when I walked in his door was, “Oh, you’ve subbed for me before! You made that little statue… I still have it, if you want it.” And he gave it to me. He’d fired it and everything, and he remembered that I made it, even though he hadn’t seen me in a year!

I feel special.

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